Chicken Quinoa Salad

Chicken Quinoa Salad

Allison Ruth
Allison Ruth
Some the Wiser
Quinoa Salads
Chicken Quinoa Salad made with pure maple syrup and delicious balsamic vinegar. Full of flavor, healthy eats perfect for summer!
Lemon Pesto Pasta: Garlicky Fresh

Lemon Pesto Pasta: Garlicky Fresh

Erin D.
Erin D.
Texanerin Baking
Lemon pesto pasta made with lots of basil and garlic. You might not want to go on a date the next day, but your belly will be happy!
Vegetable Barley Soup

Vegetable Barley Soup

Urvashee Patel
Urvashee Patel
Vegetable barley soup helps you stay warm in the bitter cold. It’s a delicious hearty meal all on its own.
Protein Pancakes

Protein Pancakes

Erin S.
Erin S.
Dinners, Dishes, and Desserts
These protein pancakes are good for you and full of protein. They can be topped with whatever you like for a healthy breakfast.
Detox Soup

Detox Soup

Joli Selten-Forbes
Joli Selten-Forbes
Joli Selten-Forbes
New Year's Day Detox Soup is a great way to kick things off. This gluten-free recipe can be used during an official “cleanse” or to kick-start a conscious eating plan for 2014!!!