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How to Clean a Coffee Maker with Vinegar

Wondering how to clean a coffee maker with vinegar? We know the answer!

Do you know how to clean a coffee maker with vinegar? And how often do you clean your coffee maker? I promise it’s not a trick question!

If you’re a coffee drinker, you look forward to that first cup of coffee of the day. You can’t imagine trying to function without it, or the other cups of joe that may follow. With regular cleaning of your coffee maker, it will taste even better!

You love your coffee for its flavor, its ability to help you be alert, and for the comfort it provides. It’s one of life’s simplest pleasures.

Deep cleaning your coffee maker with vinegar is probably the last thing on your mind. But, did you know your coffee maker needs this regularly?

(Tip: Most coffee makers can handle vinegar, but check the manufacturer’s instructions in the user manual for yours.)

Coffee Maker Photo
(Stock Image)

Regularly cleaning your coffee maker with a simple vinegar solution will improve the taste of your coffee.

You’ll get rid of bacteria and mold (eww!), as well as mineral buildup that can affect the flavor.

Plus, your coffee machine will function better and more quickly, running through the brewing cycle much faster than if it has a bunch of buildup.

Your appliance will last longer, too! (And who wants to replace their beloved coffee maker more often than necessary?) Sounds pretty essential to us, even if you dislike cleaning and follow the out-of-sight-out-of-mind school of thought.

A thorough cleaning with a few simple steps will deliver not only a clean coffee pot, but the benefits of a clean coffee maker also include premium coffee taste. We promise it’s easy!

How Long Can Coffee Creamer Sit Out Photo
(nortonrsx via iStock Photo)

Why Cleaning With Vinegar?

Due to its acidic nature, vinegar is a powerful, effective, and safe cleaning product to introdouce into your daily cleaning routine for a fresh, clean home.

Vinegar is eco-friendly, free of any harmful chemicals or toxins, and proven as an effective way to clean even the germiest places. That, plus the fact that it will keep your coffee maker working better for longer, means this is a pretty sustainable choice.

Using vinegar to clean a coffee maker is an easy way of ensuring that the inside of your coffee maker, including the parts of the machine you couldn’t otherwise reach to clean, get fully cleaned and disinfected.

Vinegar is a proven disinfectant, plus is also helps alleviate calcium deposits, ensuring a good cup of coffee with every brew.

How to Make Coffee in a Microwave Picture
(Ivana Arico via iStock Photo)

How Often To Clean Your Coffee Pot

For optimal performance, you should rinse out your standard coffee pot and wipe it clean every day using soapy water.

Additionally, you should remove the old coffee filter from the brew basket and compost it and the coffee grounds daily.

If you use tap water to make your coffee and you have hard water, which contains a lot of mineral deposits, you’ll need to decalcify your pot once a month to remove mineral buildup.

If you have soft water in your household, you can get away with doing this deeper cleaning once every few months.

Here’s how to tell if you have hard or soft water at home.

They are several different ways to do so using your preferred cleaning agent, such as a specialized coffee maker cleaner, but cleaning with vinegar is our preferred method. You’ll quickly see why.

Coffee Maker Picture
(Stock Image)

How To Clean a Drip Coffee Maker With Vinegar

Good news! Cleaning your coffee pot with vinegar makes for a quick and simple cleaning process.

  1. Fill the water tank reservoir with equal parts white vinegar and water to create a simple cleaning solution.
  2. Make sure your filter basket is empty and rinsed of any coffee residue.
  3. Run the regular brew cycle until it’s halfway through.
  4. Turn off the machine.
  5. Wait 30 minutes, allowing the vinegar mixture to sit and work.
  6. Resume brewing the solution until it’s finished.
  7. Drain your coffee pot and rinse with warm water.
  8. Brew a full pot of clean water to rinse any remaining residue. Drain your pot of the hot water carefully.
  9. Brew one more full pot of fresh water for a last time and drain it again.
  10. Give the outside of your coffee maker, the warming plate and any removable parts a good cleaning with a lint-free cloth using a simple solution of 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water.

This simple cleaning cycle can be repeated as often as necessary to keep your coffee maker working to keep it in tip-top shape.

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(Courtney O’Dell)

How Much Vinegar To Use To Clean a Coffee Maker

A 12-cup coffee pot makes 12, 5-ounce cups of coffee, or 60 ounces total.

You’ll need 30 ounces of vinegar and 30 ounces of water to deep clean it.

A 10-cup coffee pot makes 10, 6-ounce cups of coffee, so it also holds 60 ounces total.

You’ll need 30 ounces of vinegar and 30 ounces of water to decalcify it.

Remember, you want a 1:1 ratio of white vinegar to water to clean your coffee maker effectively!

As we said above, you’ll want to use two parts water to one part white vinegar to clean the outside of your coffee pot.

How To Make Iced Coffee With a French Press Picture
(izhairguns via iStock)

How To Clean and Descale a Keurig Coffee Maker With Vinegar

You may not have a drip coffee maker. You might have an espresso machine, a French press, or a Keurig coffee maker. But you’re in luck!

No matter your preferred method of coffee preparation, or whether you buy coffee beans or coffee pods, cleaning with vinegar still works just as well.

Here are the basic steps for how to clean a Keurig with vinegar, keeping in mind that generally you should descale your Keurig every 3 to 6 months:

  1. Empty the water reservoir and wipe out any residue.
  2. Fill the reservoir with 10 ounces of white vinegar.
  3. Make sure the K-cup holder is empty.
  4. Get a tall mug and place it under the dripping area.
  5. Brew on the large setting, then drain your mug.
  6. Repeat until all the vinegar is brewed.
  7. Fill your reservoir with 10 ounces of water and repeat the brewing process until the water is gone.

Now that you know how to clean your coffee pot with vinegar, get brewing!

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What Else Can I Clean With Vinegar?

Vinegar is an incredibly effective cleaning solution. We recommend using vinegar to clean your refrigerator. You can also clean your microwave with vinegar, and a whole host of other kitchen appliances.

We already mentioned your Keurig, but did you know you can also clean your rusty grill grates with vinegar and salt? Vinegar also works to clean a GreenPan, and it can even be used to clean copper. Oh, and baking soda and vinegar works to clean sheet pans.

Pretty impressive, right? Hopefully it’s obvious why we’re such big fans of this easy, natural, and affordable cleaning method that has so many different applications. 

Just make sure you understand where and exactly how to use it, because different surfaces require different mixtures and processes.

Now you know how to clean a coffee maker with vinegar, and probably you appreciate its many other applications as well.

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Kitchen Photo
(Alexander Medvedev via iStock Photo)

Other Frequently Asked Coffee Questions

If you’re a coffee fanatic or just need a morning cup of joe to get your day going, you may have some questions about making coffee at home. Here are some we see the most often, answered and explained for your convenience!

This list will help you make the best possible coffee, add convenience to your life, and help you avoid common mistakes. 

If you’re concerned about cleanliness, we particularly recommend you learn if milk can go in the coffee maker you use. And consider these spring cleaning tips (that work year-round, of course!), to keep your kitchen sanitary and sparkling!

Can You Put Milk in a Coffee Maker Photo
(PeopleImages via iStock Photo)

Related: How to clean a burnt copper pan.