Are you overlooking these items in your kitchen? Time for a deep clean.
Beyond the more regular daily and weekly effort to keep your kitchen clean, there are a few things that require some added work from time to time.
I don’t know about you, but I can think of a few nooks and crannies that aren’t exactly sparkling in my kitchen right now.
Whether it’s the bottom of your produce drawer, some charred food remains in your grill, or less visible — but no less important — buildup inside your coffee maker, these guides can walk you through some essential tips for keeping your space clean and safe. Not to mention helping you get the best out of your appliances, pans, and more!
Good news — most of this advice is pretty straightforward to execute. It’s more a matter of remembering to do it, which is why we encourage you to save or bookmark this page and explore whichever guides are most relevant for you.
How To Clean a Refrigerator With Vinegar
Learn how to us safe and inexpensive white vinegar to keep your refrigerator clean and smelling fresh!