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How Long do I Boil Corn on the Cob?

How long do I boil corn on the cob so that it’s tender yet crisp? We’ll tell you the best way to achieve perfect results!

Corn on the cob is a classic side dish that is loved by millions around the world.

Dripping in butter and sprinkled with salt, crunchy, delicious corn on the cob pairs perfectly with succulent steaks, grilled fish and crispy, fried chicken.
Slow Cooker Corn on the Cob Photo
(Katie Jasiewicz)
There are a few ways you can prepare corn on the cob, but we find the best way is to boil it!
If they’re not boiled for long enough, the kernels are too hard to bite into, but if boiled for too long they’re water-logged and soggy.
So, how do you find that perfect point at which your corn on the cob is crisp, yet tender enough to be enjoyed? Keep reading, we’ve got the answers for you! 
Slow Cooker Corn on the Cob Picture
(Katie Jasiewicz)
Before you even think about the amount of time required to perfectly boil corn on the corn, the first consideration is to pick the best corn on the cob you can find!
If you have any local green grocers or farmer’s markets, you will find the freshest and tastiest corn on the cob ears.Always look for ears of corn that have bright green husks; the husks should wrap tightly around the corn, which helps protect it. The white tassels on the corn should be moist and have an almost silky texture; the stems should also be moist. 
Now, let’s get to boiling!
Start by filling a large stockpot about half full with water and bring to the boil.
Slow Cooker Corn on the Cob Image
(Katie Jasiewicz)
In the meantime, if you have bought fresh corn on the cob, you will need to peel away the green husk and remove the silks that surround the corn. Always give it a rinse under cold water.
Now, add the corn to the boiling pot of water, cover and allow it to return to a boil. Cook for about 5-7 minutes.
Tip: Make sure that you don’t start the cooking time until the water has returned to boiling, as it won’t be cooking prior to that. 
Once done, drain the corn and place it onto a serving platter. Rub butter all over the corn and turn the corn and repeat with the other side. If your butter is unsalted, sprinkle with some salt and serve! 
To determine when your corn is actually cooked, look closely at the kernels. Their yellow hue should be much more vibrant, plus they should look more plump and tender.
Slow Cooker Corn on the Cob Pic
(Katie Jasiewicz)
You can test doneness of the corn by pricking it with a sharp knife; if you can pierce it with little force, it’s safe to say it is done, if you struggle, leave it for a little longer to cook.
We don’t recommend salting your water when boiling corn as the salt can actually make it tough!
To keep boiled corn on the cob warm after cooking, place it into a roasting pan and cover with foil; place the tray into an oven that has been preheated to 180 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Or why not try something new and make corn esquites?