Nutella Popcorn is the popcorn you’ll keep coming back to. Sweet, crunchy, and totally addictive!
So I’ve been on a total Nutella kick the last couple of months. I can’t help myself.
That stuff is just so heavenly. I didn’t try Nutella until I became an adult. I never saw the reason to try it.
Then one day a friend convinced me to try it and my life was never the same. Okay, that may be exaggerating a bit. Or maybe not.
Not only am I a chocolate fanatic, but I’m apparently I’ve become a serious Nutella fanatic too. As well as a popcorn fanatic.
I can never get enough popcorn in my life. I could eat it every single day and be a happy, happy girl.
Honestly there have been days when I’ve eaten it for dinner. Don’t tell hubs.
I’m one of those people who goes to movies just to eat popcorn. I’ll pick the movie based on which theatre it’s playing at, because I know which ones have the best popcorn.
Yes, that really does tell you a lot about me. I’m okay with that.
To know me is to know I love popcorn. Far too much.
Those who know me well also make sure they grab an extra bag of popcorn at the concession stand if they’re with me. My family always gets me my own bag.
I’m the official seat saver. The family are the official snack handlers.
It works for us. By now they know to get Mom her own page, with extra butter.
Plus, lots of napkins, because Mom is popcorn spilling spaz.
I’ll usually gobble up about three quarters of the bag, then I act like I’m selfless and hand the bag to others. I’m not selfless at all when it comes to popcorn.
Usually at this point I’ve inhaled so much of it I can’t bend down to place the bag on the floor. So it’s easier to hand it off to someone else.
Then smile sweetly and try like heck not to burp in public. I’m "that" girl.
So now that I’ve revealed I exaggerate, I eat popcorn for dinner, I make my family fetch me snacks, I inhale popcorn without sharing or breathing, burp like a boss, and I pretend to be nice while really handing someone an empty bag of popcorn, I’ll wander off with my dignity mildly intact.
Or not. It’s okay, I’ll drown my sorrows in Nutella Popcorn.
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Nutella Popcorn Recipe
- 8 cups Air Popped Popcorn
- 1 cup Butter
- 1 cup Brown Sugar Packed
- 1/2 cup Corn Syrup
- 6 ounces Milk Chocolate
- 1 cup Nutella
- 1 teaspoon Salt
- 1 1/2 teaspoons Pure Vanilla Extract
- Preheat theoven to 200°F. Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.
- Pop your popcorn place in a very large bowl. Set aside.
- In a large saucepan, combine thebutter, brown sugar, and corn syrup and cook over medium heat until it begins to boil. Allow to boil for about 4 to 5 minutes.
- Remove fromthe heat and stir in the chocolate, Nutella, salt, and vanilla.Stir until the chocolate ismeltedandsmooth.
- Pour the mixtureover your popcorn, toss gently with a wooden spoon toevenly coat all the popcorn. Transfer the popcorn to the cookie sheets and spread out evenly.
- Place the cookie sheets in the oven and bake for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Switch the cookie sheets on the racks they are on halfway through the cooking time so they cook evenly on top and bottom. You can also stir it every 10 minutes so it’s evenly coated and cooked. It should start to dry a little bit, if you find it still too moist you can add an extra 10 minutes or so. But since everyone’s ovens are so different I recommend checking it at 20 minutes, then every 5 to 10 minutes after that so you don’t overcook it.
- Remove from oven, give the popcorn a good stir, then allow it to cool completely. You can eat it once it cools down,or store in an air tight container for a few days.
- Serve with a big old Nutella Popcorn loving smile!