Slathered in jam or butter, dipped in soup or pasta sauce, or just on its own, bread is where it’s at. Get our favorite bread recipes.
Bread has been a staple food for a long time, and it’s not hard to understand why. After all, the basic ingredients of bread are only flour, water, yeast, and salt. Yet somehow those ingredients transform into edible comfort, our favorite morning breakfast, lunchtime staple, and dinner side. Slathered in jam or butter, dipped in soup or pasta sauce, or just on its own, bread is where it’s at.
You might be intimidated by bread — we’ve all been there, staring down a deflated gummy loaf and wondering just what we did to invoke the rage of the flour gods.
But don’t fear! Baking bread is one of those things you learn by feel, and it won’t take long before you look forward to the task of kneading as one of delight and relaxation at the same time.
Bread is also one of those great recipes to experiment with, from switching up flours to adding herbs or other flavorings. Kids can easily get in the act as well, so let ‘em get messy with their own balls of dough and let them see how the science of baking can unfold. (If their teachers don’t consider that extra credit, the Academy of Life Experience totally does.)
It’s time to tie on your apron and dust your work surface with flour. What are you waiting for?
We’ve collected our favorite bread recipes for you to enjoy. Get baking!