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Popeye’s Biscuit Truck Crashes, Twitter Reacts to Delicious Catastrophe

Oh no! A truck carrying 40,000 pounds of Popeye’s biscuits came to a crashing stop last week. Twitter reacted to the incident accordingly.

Most. Delicious. Accident. EVER.

A truck carrying 40,000 pounds of Popeye’s biscuits came to a crashing halt on Highway 59 in Pearl River County, Mississippi, last Wednesday, shutting down areas of the road for many hours and diverting morning traffic.

The driver and the passenger were fine.


Once Janel Forte, a reporter from South Mississippi’s WLOX, informed followers of their safety, Twitter reacted accordingly, essentially asking one basic question:


Consider one hungry man’s response:


“I guess the roads were too buttered up?” asked another user, while yet another took issue with the report.

"You can’t just tweet this without including the mile marker," he hilariously wrote.

The best part? Forte actually responded to this second Twitter message!

"Mile marker 7," she responded, including with her note a smiling emoji.

We can therefore guess pretty easily where these folks are headed:


Forte also Tweeted that the 40,000 pounds of biscuits would be transported to another truck for delivery before the area could be cleared.

So rest easy, Mississippi. And America as a whole.

You will never be without your Popeye’s biscuits.

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