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It’s Girl Scout Cookie Season and You Have to Try the New Cookie

Girl Scout Cookies are available now with sales continuing through April 2023.

It seems that no longer have the holidays wrapped up for another year and the Girl Scouts of America announced the start of 2023 cookie sales.

At this point, why do I even bother trying to cut back on the sweet and treats?! Just give me all the cookies, please and thank you.

Like always, the Girl Scouts are boasting their iconic lineup of Thin Mints, Samoas/Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs and more.

Of course it’s not Girl Scouts cookie season without a few new additions to the mix and this year it’s all about the Raspberry Rally.

Girl Scout Raspberry Rally Cookies Photo
(Girl Scouts USA)

New Girl Scouts Cookie Flavor for 2023

Joining the family for 2023, the Raspberry Rally is said to be a sistercookie to the Thin Mint, but with a berry-infused twist on the classic flavor.

Similar to a Thin Mint in looks and style, but with a bright raspberry flavor, the slim chocolate cookies boast a dazzling pink center.

Raspberry Rally also marks the first cookie in the family that will be feature exclusively online, switching up the door to door sales we all know.

The organization says this will help members develop e-commerce skills.

"What makes Girl Scout Cookies even sweeter? Behind every box is a girl learning important skills to power her leadership journey and unlock a world of opportunities," GSUSA’s Chief Revenue Officer Wendy Lou said in a statement. "Financial literacy is not only a critical skill required for entrepreneurship, but an essential life skill."

Which Girl Scouts Cookies Are the Best?

It seems every year during cookie season there is always great debate to fight out which cookie reigns supreme.

There are a lot of choices, but it usually comes down to Samoas, Thin Mints, and Tagalongs for the the titleholder of Best Girl Scout Cookies.

I’m personally part of the Samoas camp, but let’s be really honest with each other – I have never had a Girl Scout cookie that I didn’t like.

As a huge fan of peanut butter, I could eat an entire box of Tagalongs in my sleep. (Don’t try that at home. Sleeping and eating is very dangerous.)

Every year, we always stash a couple boxes of Thin Mints in the freezer to snack on long after sales have ended. They’re even better that way!

In recent years, I have found myself crushing up a few into my favorite bowl of ice cream. A boring bowl of vanilla just went up a few notches in goodness!

Which cookie are you going after first? Leave us a reply and let us know your favorite cookie!

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