These Coconut Flour Chocolate Paleo Mug Cakes are a delectable way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart. We know you’ll love them!
Some days I wake up to my real-person-adult life and think “I GOT THIS.”
Other days though? The only thing that gets me through is COPIOUS slices of grated chocolate cake and a glass (read: bottle) of vino.

SRSLY. How come “adulting” is just. SO. HARD some days.
When I was a little girl I dreamed of the days where I got to wear whatever I wanted, eat whatever I wanted and DO WHATEVER I WANTED.
Now that I’m in my late twenties though, I just wanna go back to the childhood days of coloring books and beanie babies. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?

Considering going back in time isn’t, liiiike, a real thing, it probably IS too much to ask.
Ugh. *Insert child-like temper tantrum here.*
Part of this “adulting” thing though is being VRY VRY busy. You and I have things do, places to be, hungry-complaining-families to FEED you know? Our work is NEVER DONE.

So, those days where the only thing you really need to be happy and fulfilled and forget about the current busy-never-can-sit-down situation that you are in is wine and chocolate cake? NO TIME TO ACTUALLY CREATE THAT IN YOUR REAL-PERSON LIFE. ßwho has time to bake cake. FROM SCRATCH.
Just kidding. Y-O-U DO.

Because of this 8 MINUTE coconut flour chocolate paleo mug cake!!
It’s like this:
- Come home grumpy and angry from everyone wanting a piece of you. Start having thoughts of chocolate cake swirling around in your brain. Think they cannot COME TO LIFE because TIME.
- Realize that you have all the ingredients to make aforementioned dreams-of-cake a reality AND you have a microwave. AND MUGS.
- Put all the usual cake suspects into a mug, wait 3 minutes and – VOILA – flourless chocolate mug cake is YOURS for the hiding-out-in-a-corner-and-enjoying-while-hoping-no-one-sees-you.
This healthy mug cake recipes does make 2 cakes. You know, iiiiiiiif you feel like DIGGIN’ deep into your soul to find your inner-nice-sharing-person.
It IS almost valentine’s day and a little chocolate gluten free mug cake date COULD be perfect since it falls on a Wednesday <– IE: no fancy, late-night outs due to having to continue into the world of working and adulting the VERY next day.
OR, you could just eat both yourself.

Your secret is safe with me.
But, uuuh, maybe just wipe that ooey-gooey melty chocolate SMEAR off your face.
Sorta gives you away.
This tender, moist and FLUFFY cake in a mug with its swirls of rich and DECADENT chocolate and roasty-toasty almond butter was inspired by last years lemon vegan coconut flour mug cake.
Except GONE chocolate because when is chocolate-i-fying something not a VRY VRY solid life decision, you know?
Fun thing to note: I also tried this coconut flour chocolate paleo mug cake with TAHINI instead of almond butter and it was <3 <3. A totally unique, complex and nutty flavor that balanced out all the notes of chocolate in a FOOD BLISS kinda way. Sorta like in the paleo chocolate maple tahini muffins.
But, Mr. FFF (my second taste tester in command. I’m the first) said that he MUCH preferred almond butter and it kinda gave an “almond joy” vibe.

Just givin’ you the OPTIONS. Your chocolate mug cake experience can really be WHATEVER YOU DREAM IT TO BE.
So many mug cakes on your horizon friends.
Which also = so many opportunities to hide behind the counter, hoping the family doesn’t see you, as you 3…2…1..
DIVE into these made-just-for-you-mug-cakes-for-two.
Orrrr one really hungry person
(That’s you!)
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Coconut Flour Chocolate Paleo Mug Cake Recipe
- 2 tablespoons Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
- 1 1/2 tablespoons Coconut Flour 10 grams
- pinch of Sea Salt
- 1/2 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1/2 tablespoon Water
- 1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
- 3 tablespoons Unsweetened Applesauce
- 2 tablespoons Honey or agave
- 1 tablespoon Natural Almond Butter creamy, plus additional for drizzling
- 1/2 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract
- In a small bowl, whisk together the cocoa powder, coconut flour and salt.
- In a separate medium bowl, whisk together the vinegar, water and baking powder until frothy. Add in the apple sauce, honey and almond butter and whisk until smooth.
- Add in the dry ingredients and whisk until smooth.
- Divide the batter between 2 8 oz mugs and microwave for 2 mins 30 seconds – 3 minutes. My microwave is 1000 watts and the cakes were perfect at 2 mins 40 seconds, so judge according to your microwaves wattage.
- Drizzle with more almond butter and DEVOUR!