How to Soften Brown Sugar

Cyd Converse

Wondering how to soften brown sugar? The good news is, it’s easy. Whatever you do, don't throw it away! It can be salvaged.

You can tell how often someone bakes by the texture of the brown sugar in his or her pantry.

Hard and lumpy? It’s been awhile.

Brown Sugar Photo

Soft and pliable? It’s either an unopened new package, or this is someone who bakes often.

Speaking of new packages of brown sugar, this editor has a tip for you. Buy brown sugar in bags, instead of boxes, so you can inspect the sugar’s texture before placing it in your grocery cart.

Give the bag of brown sugar a squeeze right there in the baking aisle. You’d be surprised to find some “new” packages already rock solid.

Brown Sugar Picture

Choose one that’s nice and squishy. I prefer dark brown sugar for its softer texture, which comes from additional molasses. Dark brown sugar makes cookies extra tender.

But, no worries if times goes by, and you find the brown sugar in your pantry has turned into gravel. You can soften it!

How to Soften Brown Sugar Quickly

  1. Place some brown sugar in a microwaveable bowl and cover it with a damp paper towel.
  2. Microwave on high, in 20-second increments, until the brown sugar is soft.
Brown Sugar Image

What to Put in Brown Sugar to Soften It

If you don’t need to soften the brown sugar immediately, you can add an apple wedge or slice of bread to it. Give it a day or two, and your brown sugar should be softened.

How to Store Brown Sugar to Keep it Soft

To prevent hardening, it’s important to limit the brown sugar’s exposure to air. Store it at room temperature in an air-tight container with a lid, using the smallest possible size that will hold all the sugar.

Brown Sugar Pic

If you want to keep the brown sugar in its original bag, clip the bag closed after each use. Position the clip right above the brown sugar, with no space in between.

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Cyd is a native of Upstate New York, born to a family of women who love to cook and host parties. She shares her love of all things food, home and entertaining on her blog, The Sweetest Occasion and on Instagram.

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