How to Parboil Peppers

Cyd Converse

Learn how to parboil peppers - an easy process that prepares them for everything from freezing, to stuffing and then baking.

Parboiling is a very useful culinary technique that has all sorts of applications and in this article we'll specifically teach you how to parboil peppers.

From cutting down on the cooking time of rice to making the casings on sausage tougher to prevent splitting, knowing how to parboil is an easy, practical skill to have in your kitchen repertoire. 

Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers Picture

What is Parboiling?

The word 'parboiling' means partially cooking something until it is somewhat softened, but not cooked all the way through.

To parboil a food, it is placed in water or another liquid and then simmered for a certain length of time, depending on the food being prepared.

Often it makes sense to parboil brown rice because it halves the cooking time as brown rice takes a lot longer than white rice to cook if it hasn't been parboiled.

Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers Image

Some people like to parboil potatoes and other foods for the same reason. But parboiling isn't just for grains and vegetables!

You can parboil chicken wings to make them crispier, brats to cook them evenly and ribs to give them a melt-in-your-mouth texture.

Why Parboil Peppers?

The most common reason to parboil peppers is to soften them ready for stuffing so that they can then be baked in the oven.

This recipe for Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers is the perfect example!

With baked peppers, the pepper itself should be nice and tender - not crunchy! Parboiling a pepper before stuffing ensures that its texture in the finished dish is perfect.

Some people also find that parboiling peppers improves their flavor by taking away any bitterness.

Quinoa Stuffed Peppers Photo

Another great reason to parboil peppers is if you need to peel them for a particular recipe. Peeling peppers is hard work when they are raw, but parboiling makes the skins much easier to remove.

Some people also choose to parboil peppers and other vegetables before freezing or canning them, although the process of blanching - which involves the use of an ice bath - is more commonly used for this.

Quinoa Stuffed Peppers Picture

How Long to Parboil Peppers?

Parboiling peppers is a very quick process.

They take just a few minutes to be partially cooked - any longer and they are likely to cook all the way through, which is not what you're going for here.

If you are parboiling peppers, three to five minutes is all it takes!

How to Parboil Peppers

How to Parboil Peppers Photo

First, core and deseed your bell peppers, then place them in a deep saucepan.

How to Parboil Peppers Picture

Pour water into each of the peppers (which will stop them from floating) and then fill the pot with water until the peppers are totally submerged.

Add a large pinch of kosher salt to the water, then heat over medium-high heat until the water comes to a low boil.

How to Stuff Peppers Pic

Cook for around 3 to 5 minutes until the peppers are slightly softened (not fully cooked).

Carefully remove from the heat, drain, then continue to cook as desired.

How to Parboil Peppers Image

How to Use Parboiled Peppers

Cyd is a native of Upstate New York, born to a family of women who love to cook and host parties. She shares her love of all things food, home and entertaining on her blog, The Sweetest Occasion and on Instagram.

Parboil Recipes

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