Peanut Butter Smoothie Recipe - Food Fanatic

Peanut Butter Smoothie Recipe

    1 Servings


  • 1 large Banana, frozen and cut into 1" sections
  • 1 cup Chocolate Milk
  • 1 tablespoon Peanut Butter


  1. Blend the frozen banana, chocolate milk, and cream peanut butter for 30 seconds or until smooth.
  2. Use a single serve blending cup if possible. If not, use a mason jar and any standard blender base! Or simply use your normal blender and pitcher, but double the servings.


If you want to make this smoothie just like they make it at Jamba Juice, simply use a normal banana (not frozen) and add 2 large scoops of chocolate frozen yogurt (about 3/4 cup). Otherwise, the other ingredients and directions stay the same!

Peanut butter smoothie photo