Pizza ATM is About to Make Dreams of These College Students Come True

Matt R.

It's finally here, people! An actual ATM pizza! You have to see this photo!

The students at Xavier University in Ohio are about to have their dreams turned into a reality.

And we could not be more jealous.

pizza ATM pic

The Cincinnati-based school has partnered with a French company to install the first Pizza ATM in North America.

Yes, a pizza ATM. 

That is what you read. This is not a misprint.

The $55,000 pizza-on-demand machine will serve up a hot pie in about three minutes, according to various reports.

It will hold 70 pizzas at a time, all of which will have been made by dining staff at the university.

Prior to being made, these items will be moved from a refrigerator to a convection oven... cooked at 475 degrees... placed in a cardboard box... and ejected through a slot in the machine within a few minutes of ordering.

Students (or anyone, really, but let's face it: likely inebriated students will be the ones using this machine) will be able to use a touch screen to pick one of the $10 pizzas.

The ATM has been installed in the Fenwick Place residence and will be open to the public until 8 p.m., when the doors are locked.

Here's a look at a finished, delicious product:

pizza tweet

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